Description of the realised program
Between 21 and 25 March 22, students and faculty participated as partners of the Eras+ project “Questões de entrepreneurship” in all student group exchange schools, C5, organized by the Agrupamento de Escolas de Amarante”- Amarante, Portugal. Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal and Romania participated in person and the school from Austria respectively (as the schools of the trip were imposed by the local authorities respectively).
The program during the three unforgettable days of the e-mates was rich and extraordinary.
On March 22, the local coordinator, Gabriel Araújo Vilas Boas, welcomed the partner teams. The teams from the different countries were welcomed at the City Hall by the Vice President. Then, with a historical guide, they visited in detail the Amadeo Cardoso Museum, the São Gonçalo Church and the São Gonça Church. In addition to the importance of the plastic artist Amadeo Souza Cardoso in the history of Portuguese modernism, the history of the city, the participation of the people of Amarante in the resistance against the French invasions in the early 19th century and the history of the church of São Gonçalo and the bridge are explained. . In the afternoon, the students and teachers from the partner countries of this project got to know the Portuguese school and watched some presentations of the Portuguese colleagues about their city and how they develop the theme of music and dance through special dance lessons. Arts, music festivals (MIMO) and music lessons with regional instruments – Viola Amarantina. The day of activities ended with the demonstration and learning of a traditional Portuguese dance, with the participation of students and teachers from the different cultural centers of Amarante.
On March 23, throughout the day, he created an example of the great city of Porto, which offers great business opportunities to entrepreneurs, as was the case with our script, João Ribeiro, who has a company, Inside Experience, focused on the sector of tourism. On this day of time in certain points of Porto, known as city legends through an immersive 3D show and we go through the most important of the most important city in Portugal (Torre dos Clérigos, Livrigo, Station of São Jardins do Palácio) de Cristal , Douro River), in a very intense and rewarding day.
On March 24, we returned to the school of Amarante to learn about its infrastructure and organization. We planted together a ginkgo biloba, also known as Japanese walnut or tree of 40 coins. This Erasmus + tree expresses the desire of all E-Mates for peace, in all countries. During the morning, all teachers had an interesting experience at a golf course in Amarante, observing how it can be an important niche in the sports market for young entrepreneurs related to tourism. A wonderful concert of classical music was a wonderful concert of classical music, developed by the teachers of the North in the framework of this activity of all students and included in the mobility. Certificates of participation were also presented to all teachers and students who participated in the activities.
During the afternoon we also talked about the meeting of the Romania Project and how we are still in the work that we have undertaken.
How did the participation in this activity benefit the involved participants?
All exchange participants became familiar with the Portuguese way of life, as well as with the culture and customs of Amarante, cuisine, wines and sweets.
In a special way, music and dance were an integral part of the meeting. Students and teachers improved their English communication skills and their interpersonal skills promoted their own cultural and educational achievements, acquired a stronger sense of European belonging and became part of the e-mates family. Students have learned through their experience that public speaking serves the purpose of conveying information and motivating people.