P1 Activities during the first month will mostly aim at mobilising the Partnership’s synergy:

1. The coordinator will forward the experts’ evaluation report to all the partners via email; 2. All partners will announce the approval of the project on social networks, local media, in schools and local communities;

3. All partners will choose, and arrange, the

Erasmus+ corner on the premises of their schools; 4. There will be pupils‘ contest about the best logo of the project;

5. The Austrian partner will create the project website, and it will be linked to all schools’ websites;

6. The lists of pre-selected target groups of pupils and teachers for the forthcoming short-term exchange with pupils to Bulgaria will be updated. New candidates should write, according to the selection criteria, their motivation letters, to create online CVs and Language passports (using Europass templates);

7. The Romanian partner will initiate our eTwinning project (Introductory Module I: ”Introduce yourself”).

P2 Project activities during October 2019 include:

1. Creating online contact between visiting pupils and their hosting peers from Bulgaria;

2. Organising the first short-term exchange with groups of pupils to Bulgaria;

3. Participating in the trainings organized by the NAs;

4. Working on the project’s website design;

5. Signing the contracts with the NAs;

6. Updating the programme of the host school;

7. Adding members to the group of pupils on Facebook;

8. Adding members to the eTwinning space of the project;

9. Informing pupils’ councils about their responsibilities under the project;

10. eTwinning project, Introductory Module I: ”Make your own learning diary (via Padlet)”.

C1 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Niche tourism: Caving (spelunking) as hard adventure

P3: Priority task: to elaborate clear strategies on learning objectives, peer review activities, developing effective transnational collaboration.


1. Attending the first physical exchange with pupilsin Lovech, Bulgaria;

2. Dissemination of C1 through all availablechannels (all partner schools);

3. Adapting the dissemination and exploitation plan;

4. Initiating the Erasmus+ Beneficiary Dashboard;

5. Initiating Mobility tool (coordinator);

P4 Planned project activities for December 2019 include:

1. Exchange of pupils’ handmade Christmas cardsvia mail;

2. Collecting tangible results: traditional culinaryrecipes;

3. Working on the final outputs: pupils‘ factsheetsabout targeted Bulgarian landmarks (all partner schools);

4. First collection of created materials for the finaloutput ‘‘United in Diversity‘‘: schools‘ presentations; 5. Strategies to embed formative assessment throughout the PBL process;

6. eTwinning project, Introductory Module I: ”Stress management; how to build resilience to overcome adversity?”.

P5 Project activities for January 2020 include:

1. Introducing EntreComp (the user guide to the

European Entrepreneurship Competence

Framework) in all the partner organisations; 2. Organising internal class discussions on entrepreneurship and its importance for future career opportunities (all partners);

3. Engaging pupils’ councils in organising school communities’ polls on entrepreneurial skills (all partners);

4. eTwinning project, Introductory Module I:

6. Working on the project’s website design;7. eTwinning project, Introductory Module I: ”What is a growth mindset?” (videos and training materials);

8. Each physical mobility will engage pupils in a specific workshop where they will not only learn a lot about various jobs in the tourism sector, but will also be informed about partners’ successful practices such as leadership, inclusive schooling, dual education, apprenticeship, internship; 9. Partners‘ first 3-month internal report to the coordinator for September, October, November 2019. 

P6 ”Defining entrepreneurial skills and competences”.

Project activities during February 2020 include:

1. Partner schools’ activities connected to the PinkShirt Day, under the motto – ”Shool without violence” (third Wednesday of the month);

2. eTwinning project, Introductory Module I: ”Pupils‘forum: What have you learned so far?”

3. Partners‘ second 3-month internal report to thecoordinator for December 2019, January and February 2020.

C2 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Niche tourism: Coffee and chocolate tourism

P7 In March 2020 all partner schools will be involved in: 1. Attending the second physical exchange with pupils in Vienna, Austria;

2. Dissemination of C2 through all availablechannels;

3. Uploading data on Mobility Tool;

4. eTwinning project, Module II: ”Physical Reality inTourism: Share pictures/ videos of three landmarks from your region (via Padlet)”.

P8 Other Project Events 04-2020 In April 2020 the partners will be busy with:

1. Working on the final outputs: collecting pupils‘factsheets on targeted Austrian landmarks;

2. Celebrating Easter holiday: pupils‘ PPPs, PDFs,and word files on local customs and traditions for the final product ‘‘United in Diversity‘‘;

3. eTwinning project – Module II: Physical Reality inTourism – Types of tourism; (training materials).

C3 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Niche tourism: Gastro-tourism

P9 In May 2020 all partner schools will be engaged with:

1. Organising internal activities to celebrate 9 May; 2. Attending the third physical exchange with pupils in Lodi, Italy;

3. Dissemination of C3 through all availablechannels;

4. Uploading data on Mobility Tool;

5. eTwinning project, Module II – ”Physical Realityin Tourism: Create a factsheet of your favourite tourist destination you have been to”;

6. Partners‘ third 3-month internal report to thecoordinator for March, April, and May 2020.

P10 Project activities for June 2020 are as follows:

1. Working on the final outputs: pupils‘ factsheetsabout targeted Italian landmarks (all partner schools);

2. eTwinning project, Module II: ”Physical Reality inTourism: (Pupils Forum) Season work for young people in the tourism industry – pros and cons”.

P11 Project tasks for July 2020:

1. Underlying via online discussions the importanceof rubrics as a grading tool that lays out the specific expectations for an assignment, and promotes pupils’ self learning (all partner schools);

2. Pupils’ presentations – ”My hometown” ( topromote partners’ hometowns as attractive tourist destinations);

3. eTwinning project, Module II: ”Physical Reality inTourism: Discussions on ‘Harnessing the Potential of Hospitality and Tourism for Young People‘s Employment‘ – 2017-2018 Youth Think Thank Report”.

P12 Project tasks in August 2020 will focus on improving partners’ existing methodology on creative writing that can serve as a powerful catalyst for pupils’ deeper awakening and evolved personal growth. 1. Registration on the BIE website to download rubrics as PDFs or Word documents in order to adapt, or translate them, according to the project needs;

2. Creating rubrics for pupils‘ essays by using theRubistar tool; all teachers get familiar with rubrics, and clearly understand the difference between formative and summative assessment;

3. Encouraging pupils‘ creative writing by providingtransparency via clearly defined criteria in the rubrics;

4. Pupils from all partner school start writing essayson the topic ‘‘My Dream Job‘‘;

5. eTwinning project, Module II: ”Physical Reality inTourism: Where did you go on a summer holiday?

Share your impressions with your peers”;

6. Partners‘ fourth 3-month internal report to thecoordinator for June, July, and August 2020.

P13 In September 2020 all partners will be engaged with:

1. Evaluating pupil‘s essays on the topic ”My DreamJob” according to the formative assessment criteria provided via rubrics;

2. Educational involvement of pupils in outdooractivities: to inspire love for nature; pupils are taught

to think and live ‘green’;

3. eTwinning project, Module III: ”Virtual Reality inTourism: Provide good examples of tourist attractions with VR” (pictures/videos).

C4 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Niche tourism: Bird watching ecotourism (soft adventure)

P14 Project events and tasks for October 2020 include: 1. Attending the fourth physical exchange with pupils in Serres, Greece;

2. Dissemination of C4 through all availablechannels;

3. Organising events for inclusive schooling ofmigrant and disabled children: interviewing migrants, visiting rehabilitation centres for SEN kids, orphanages, etc.;

4. Creating outputs for the final product ‘‘Empathyvs Bullying‘’;

5. eTwinning project, Module III: ”Virtual Reality inTourism: Forum: Cyberbullying”.

P15 In November 2020 the partner schools will be in charge with:

1. Working on the final outputs: pupils‘ factsheetsabout targeted Greek landmarks (all partner schools)

2. eTwinning project, Module III: ”Virtual Reality in

Tourism: Introducing 3D mapping”;

3. Partners‘ fifth 3-month internal report to thecoordinator for September, October, November, 2020.

P16 Project tasks for December 2020 include:

1. Creating a project calendar;

2. Sharing home videos about Christmas and New

Year’s Eve to further promote our cultural diversity;

3. eTwinning project, Module III: ”Virtual Reality inTourism: Good examples of virtual tourist attractions”.

P17 In January 2021 the most important tasks will be:

1. Teachers to provide methodological help to targetgroups of pupils about their business plans;

2. To start collecting the outputs for the final product

‘‘Young Entrepreneurs‘‘;

3. eTwinning project, Module III: ”Virtual Reality in

Tourism: What is a business plan?”

P18 In February 2021 the Partnership will organise the following activities:

1. A webinar on social media hosted by the Austrianpartner school;

2. eTwinning project, Module III: ”Virtual Reality inTourism: How to use social media to promote your newly set-up tourist company”;

3. Partners‘ sixth 3-month internal report to thecoordinator for December 2020, January, and February 2021.

C5 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Niche tourism: Event tourism (festivals)

P19 In March 2021 we will be preoccupied with:

1. Attending the fifth physical exchange with pupilsin Amarante, Portugal;

2. Dissemination of C5 through all availablechannels;

3. Uploading data on Mobility Tool;

4. eTwinning project, Module IV: ”AugmentedReality in Tourism: Introducing Microsoft‘s intelligent edge – HoloLens 2;

Forum: Augmented reality – pros and cons”.

P20 Project tasks for April 2021 involve:

1. Working on the final outputs: pupils‘ factsheetsabout targeted Portuguese landmarks;

2. Easter holiday: pupils‘ homemade videos on localcustoms and traditions to add to the final product

‘‘United in Diversity‘‘;

3. eTwinning project, Module IV: ”AugmentedReality in Tourism: Forum: Share your ideas, and provide concrete suggestions, about how AR can boost your local niche tourism”.

C6 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Niche tourism: Ecotourism (handmade pottery and ceramics)

P21 Project events and tasks for May 2021 include:

1. Attending the last physical exchange with pupilsin Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

2. 9 May: Erasmus+ Day (celebrating Europe Day);3. Dissemination of C6 through all available channels;

4. Uploading data on Mobility Tool;

5. eTwinning project, Module IV: ”AugmentedReality in Tourism: Design a model of a targeted tourist attraction, improved by suggested mixed rality components”;

6. Partners‘ seventh 3-month internal report to thecoordinator for March, April, and May 2021.

Project tasks in June 2021 will be grouped around: 1. Working on the final outputs: pupils‘ factsheets about targeted Romanian landmarks;

P22 Working on the final reports generated by MobilityTool; eTwinning project, Module IV: ”AugmentedReality in Tourism: How to organise recruitment in your tourist retail company”.

P23 In July 2021 the Partnership will be very busy with: 

1. Uploading project results on VALOR (the Erasmus+ Beneficiary Dashboard); disseminating final outcomes and outputs to ensure the complete display of our project information and results to the wider public;

2. Analysis of the project work;

3. Preparing strategies for follow-ups;

4. eTwinning project, Module IV: ”Augmented

Reality in Tourism: ‘‘ART – Augmented Reality in Torism‘‘ (pupils‘ final products with creative solutions to boost partners‘ local niche tourism”.

P24 During the last funded month of the project lifecycle, August 2021, this Strategic Partnership’ s tasks will be to:

1. Prepare the final reports to the NAs to besubmitted in November, 2021(coordinator and contact people from the partner schools). Partners will send their eighth 3-month internal report to the coordinator for June, July, and August 2021 as a final update of the work done;

2. Finalise our eTwinning project, Module IV: ”Augmented Reality in Tourism: Forum: pupils‘ feedback on their project experience”;

3. Archive all the project results (outcomes andoutputs).